Get the Bungee High in a bungee fitness class at Pole Kisses!
You have heard of the runner’s high, but have you heard about the bungee high?
How many times have you thought, “I’m in such a bad mood and don’t want to work out”? You’re not alone! Even instructors feel that way sometimes—myself included. The other day, I was in one of those moods. I had a tough day and just wanted to zone out on the couch with my favorite show. But there were no substitutes available, and canceling isn’t great for business. So, I threw on my leggings and dragged myself to bungee class.
In the two and a half years I’ve been teaching bungee fitness, I’ve learned it drastically improves my mood. I can walk into class as cranky as a toddler who missed her nap and leave feeling like I just won $200 on a slot machine. But when I’m wallowing in despair, I tend to forget this. So, I’m writing this post as a reminder not just for you, but for myself, too. And instead of just saying, “Because I said so,” like my mom would say to me when I was a cranky toddler, I will throw in some science facts to back up my theory.
So here are some reasons why cardiovascular activities, such as bungee fitness, boosts mood:
Release of Endorphins: Cardiovascular exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. This is sometimes called a “runner’s high” and can result in feelings of happiness or even euphoria after exercise. At Pole Kisses, we call it the “Bungee High!”
Increased Serotonin Levels: Exercise helps increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, and appetite. Higher serotonin levels are associated with improved mood and a reduction in symptoms of depression.
Reduction of Stress Hormones: Cardiovascular activity lowers levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This reduction can help alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and tension.
Improved Sleep: Regular cardio exercise can help regulate sleep patterns by promoting deeper, more restful sleep, which in turn enhances mood and cognitive function during the day.
Boost in Energy and Confidence: Physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles, which boosts energy levels. Feeling stronger, fitter, or more capable can also increase self-esteem and confidence, contributing to a better mood.
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Bungee fitness in particular is silly and fun. There are always lots of giggles in my class the first time a person does a burpee or flies in the bungee. Check out my other blog about having fun in bungee fitness!
All these incredible effects explain why cardiovascular exercise is often recommended as part of treatment plans for mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
I have also seen a lot of Instagram posts lately claiming cardio will not help you lose weight, which is disturbing to me. Weight loss is important to most of us, and I agree that there are other necessary components to achieve your ideal body type beyond cardiovascular exercise. Two examples are nutrition and strength training. But, these ads come across in a way that might dissuade you from attending to your cardiovascular health, in order to get you to buy a questionable pill or gimmick. Having a healthy heart is arguably more important than the number on a scale. So this blog is also my way of highlighting yet another benefit of including cardio into your fitness plan.
If you are in the Las Vegas area and would like to try a bungee class, come join us at Pole Kisses! We have level one classes daily for beginners. Check us out on Mindbody to purchase passes and book classes. Private parties are also available for birthdays, bachelorette parties, team building, or just for fun. EMAIL US if you would like more information about private parties, or need help scheduling your class.
-Beth Flory, Co-owner of Pole Kisses Bungee and Aerial Fitness